Respecting the past and embracing the future.

This is a turning point in Plainfield’s history: With your help and support we have set our community on a path to be the Best Plainfield. Unlike the past, Mayor Argoudelis provides selfless and visionary leadership. Let’s say yes to a better, more fair and cutting edge Plainfield, true to our roots but bravely facing our future.


Support and enhance Plainfield’s small businesses:

 What makes Plainfield unique is its history and our small businesses. We as a Village need to support small business in a very tangible way. We need to get things accomplished such as traffic, parking and tax relief for our homeowners – no more talk, needless studies and cronyism. Every resident, business owner and developer will be treated the same – there will only be one set of rules, with the Golden Rule being: Is it good for Plainfield?

We need to support small business by solving our traffic and parking problems rather than simply talking about them Let’s get the heavy truck traffic out of town Let’s incentivize housing options in our core which will provide quality housing and densities to support our businesses Let’s provide significant parking options both remotely and in our core to ease the burden on our residents. Let’s say yes! to getting these things done.

Jobs and Economic Development.

Plainfield needs to be actively in the arena attracting quality jobs and businesses to our community. While other towns actively court and seek out these opportunities our current leadership, including my opponent, sit on their hands. Recently a neighboring town landed a car dealership which will produce quality jobs and sales tax revenue. They sought out this opportunity, while business as usual in Plainfield lost out again. We can and need to do better for our future and the future generations to come.

Quality of Life

We need to actively enhance and support our social and cultural vibrancy – making Plainfield a great place for everyone to live, work and raise a family.

This means all of our residents need to be welcomed and feel included in our community. We have to face the reality that Plainfield has a checkered history in welcoming people to our community. We are 50,000 people strong and each resident is important to our present and future. This is the 21st century and we have a vibrant and diverse community. Inclusion is a word we will abide by.



We have continued to focus on finding a balance among development, preservation and our environment. We have to preserve our history and our green space while we seek out economic opportunities for our residents and Village. Instead of making these decisions on an ad hoc basis as we had in the past, since day one we have articulated a vision of what this balance looks like and then have put the pieces together. This required the thoughtful and visionary leadership that I have provided


It’s what I’m offering to my hometown and my fellow residents. Like a successful business or sports team, leadership sets the tone for how business is conducted. Prior to Mayor Argoudelis, our leadership was consumed by selfish and vindictive motives with an inability to see the big picture. This held us back from fulfilling our potential. With my experience in government and private business, and my leadership skills we have changed the paradigm and have risen above this petty and small mindedness. VOTE for continued selfless and progressive leadership.

We can only do this together

Together real change can happen. I need you to spread the word and get people to participate and VOTE! Election Day is April 1, 2025. Only 13% of our eligible voters voted in our last April election, most voting for the status quo We need you to VOTE if you think we can do better VOTE for change VOTE for vision VOTE so together we can make the best Plainfield!